Education Opens up the Mind
BD Physicians Associates with different activities of Physicians.
Respected Teachers

National Prof.
Mahmud Hasan
National Professor.
Ex-Vice Chancellor & Prof. of GI,
Liver & Pancreatic Diseases, BSMMU,
President of Bangladesh Gastroenterology Society

Prof. Quazi Deen Mohammad
President BCPS
Professor of Neurology & Director
National Institute of
Neurosciences & Hospital

Prof. Kohinoor Begum
Vice President BCPS
Prof. Dept. of Obs & Gynae
Popular Medical College, Dhaka.

Prof. Mohammad Nazrul Islam
Former UGC Professor Cardiology, BSMMU
Training Sessions
BD Physicians Arrange Different Traning Programs On Several Topics

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
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"We are passing through a difficult period because of the coronavirus pandemic. Bdphysicians has embarked on an endeavor to spread knowledge among the medical professionals of the country via the internet, which has the potential to reach many more than would have been possible by any other means. On the occasion of the inauguration of the website, I congratulate Bdphysicians and wish them success in their effort."

Dept. of Medicine, Sylhet Women’s Medical College
President, Bangladesh Society of Infection & Tropical Disease (BSITD).
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First of all I welcome the introduction of website of BD Physician, well-known for its high degree performance during this pandemic Covid-19 situation. I congratulate Dr. Ehasan Khan for his visionary steps to arrange webinar on different aspect of Medical science by the well reputed academicians, popular teachers and scientists from home & abroad. The students and trainees are the focal groups and they have been benefited by these high quality lectures and interactive sessions.
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